Darius Dunlap

Darius Dunlap

Back to the Hack

I took a break this afternoon while my old friend Cliff was here with his kids. Cliff and I fiddled with the repair project on my old turntable (more about that later) while the kids played my piano and guitar and took some photos of the horses. Now I’m back into the WordPress hacking to…

Beware Adults…

Many have heard me say “grownups can suck the fun out of anything”. There’s a lot of history to that insight, for me. And it’s a cornerstone of our teaching philosophy at Square Peg Foundation. So when I saw the latest print from Hugh McLeod at Gaping Void Art, Of course I loved it!  

A great interview…

Tim Ferris has an interview show, and a recent guest was Arnold Schwarzenegger. The conversation is wide-ranging, fun and inspiring. Check it out: http://fourhourworkweek.com/2015/02/02/arnold-schwarzenegger/ If you use iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tim-ferriss-show/id863897795?mt=2

A better Steve Jobs

I’m looking forward to the new book about Steve Jobs, coming in a few weeks. The Isaacson book was a disappointment, and this one seems (by reports) to do a much better job of capturing the man and the complexity of his story. As Tim Cook says in an interview with Fast Company: II thought…