Darius Dunlap

Darius Dunlap


Stereotyping is easy for all of us. Our brains are categorizing machines, shoving every thing we see and do into tidy little boxes within boxes. A stereotype that conjures fear is even more powerful, because nothing gets our attention faster than danger – this also is built-in our wiring. So it’s great to see more…

Stowe Boyd on Free Trade

Indeed: Free trade is a game rigged so that global corporations can arbitrage over all sorts of cost factors, based on a patchwork quilt of labor and environmental laws, and nearly always choosing what makes the most money. Shouldn’t our core principle be doing what causes the least harm?[From /Ground: Protectionism and The Unions: Free,…

Apple netbook/notepad

“It’s not a surprise if you’re paying attention,” says my wife. Of course, when it comes to new sexy toys from Apple, we want details and dates. We know it’s going to come… eventually. It’s fairly obvious that the Macbook Air was the first step. This is the product development process we’ve come to know.…

Performance and Failure

Some things that seem to be good are actually failure. I’ll use an example tech support pros will all know: A customer calls, you know the answer, you give it to them and it works, and everyone is happy. Simple, straightforward, case closed. Right? No. This is a failure. Simply put, if you knew the…

Craigslist Foundation’s Boot Camp – June 20th, 2009, in Berkeley, CA

My wife and I founded Square Peg Foundation in 2004, the same year Craigslist Foundation had their first “Boot Camp for Non-profits.” That first Boot Camp was an amazing experience for me, and since then I have only missed one. As Craigslist Foundation describes it: Boot Camp is an inspiring and unique community effort that…

ProjectVRM Blog » Markets are Hanging Up On Customers

This just cracked me up… Markets are Hanging Up On Customers I just recorded my call with Apple Support to improve customer service: [Click to listen] How to hang up on a Mobile Me customer. [From ProjectVRM Blog » Markets are Hanging Up On Customers] Follow the link and have a listen. Truly amazing.