Webmention testing, part 2
Let’s see if this mention goes back to my withkown site: https://darius.withknown.com/2015/replying-to-indieweb-post—test-wgebmention (Sorry about the misspelling.)
Let’s see if this mention goes back to my withkown site: https://darius.withknown.com/2015/replying-to-indieweb-post—test-wgebmention (Sorry about the misspelling.)
After the update to wordpress 4.4 beta, activating a certain plugin caused wordpress to fail, delivering empty pages. After fixing that, I’m going back through to test a few things to be sure stuff is back to ok.
At indiewebcamp, and my first step is to audit all the stuff I have and find the holes and any problems.
In the mid-80’s I took my second tech job, at a company called Silicon Graphics, Inc. SGI, before it officially contracted its name to “SGI”, was a fantastic place to grow and learn. It was intense and focused, and my modest technical know-how in Unix, TCP/IP Networking, and Computer Hardware matched well as the company…
IIW uses the Open Space Technology process for self-organizing the conference. The importance of all of this is often unclear to the newcomer, but people come around, as they come to understand that there rules generate a conference that works much like the hallways and bars in traditional conferences. The whole thing becomes a great swirling…
Internet Identity Workshop is my favorite conference. The topics covered, which span across Identity, Privacy, Community, and Security and more, continue to be relevant even after more than a decade. The “Open Spaces” format generates lively discussions across a range of topics, all created on the spot by the participants. It’s also a conference full…
I had an interesting discussion this weekend about computers and devices and Internet of Things. I’m still sorting out how exactly to articulate this, and then this morning this great example from Marco Arment came to my news feed: From Redesigning Overcast’s Apple Watch app – Marco.org: It’s unwise and futile to try to shove…
My old turntable may be back in action soon. I roped my friend Cliff into giving me a hand figuring out how to repair the cracked and wobbling plastic drive belt pulley. It doubles as a strobe indicator, so repairing it is best. This turntable is a somewhat rare thing from the 70’s. Some parts…
I took a break this afternoon while my old friend Cliff was here with his kids. Cliff and I fiddled with the repair project on my old turntable (more about that later) while the kids played my piano and guitar and took some photos of the horses. Now I’m back into the WordPress hacking to…
Sunday morning hacking… Setting up Micropub and other Indieweb stuff on my new WordPress server.