Category: <span>Technology</span>

Category: Technology

A better Steve Jobs

I’m looking forward to the new book about Steve Jobs, coming in a few weeks. The Isaacson book was a disappointment, and this one seems (by reports) to do a much better job of capturing the man and the complexity of his story. As Tim Cook says in an interview with Fast Company: II thought…

New Servers Update

My new server at Digital Ocean is up and running. Ubuntu 14.04, with Nginx (LEMP stack). Why Move? It had been a while since I bothered much with my website. My interest in IndieWeb got me refocused on some interesting technical details and provided the extra push to get me moving. A big decision came when…

Moving to a new server

I have moved my site (several of them, actually) to a new server. Unfortunately, my old host doesn’t yet support SNI, and I was up for annual renewal and just decided to make the leap to a different provider. It’s also an opportunity for me to duplicate my environment on my web server and on…

IndieWeb Update

Since joining the IndieWeb Camp a couple weeks ago, I’ve had a great time learning more and getting things setup and working on my own sites. It’s still not all where I want it, but I thought I’d do a little update. The idea behind IndieWeb is that you own your own presence on the…