Twitter Updates for 2010-09-21
SupportUX Blog: It's a hard job [The Sisyphus Post] # Powered by Twitter Tools
SupportUX Blog: It's a hard job [The Sisyphus Post] # Powered by Twitter Tools
I'm in Palo Alto for the SGI reunion. It's always great to see all those old friends and maybe reconnect with someone I've lost. # Powered by Twitter Tools
Tell the FDA: keep mutant GMO salmon off our dinner plates. # Powered by Twitter Tools Share this: Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window) Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click…
At the Seesmic 2 launch! (@ Clift Hotel w/ @hardaway @scobleizer) # Seesmic2 platform strategy is just plain brilliant. Congrats to Loic and Johann and the rest of the team! More on this later… # Powered by Twitter Tools
SupportUX Blog: What good are data, anyway? # Beautiful: # Powered by Twitter Tools
Excellent burrito, as always! (@ taqueria de amigos) # @secretsushi Thanks. It's never easy when we lose one of these wonderful animals, but my wife, Joell, does a wonderful job. in reply to secretsushi # ridiculous tax breaks for the richest 120,000… – note the comparison to keeping teachers & police at work.…
With We Know/No friends! (@ Toronado w/ 6 others) # We lost one of our old Square Peg Ranch horses a couple days ago. My wife writes about it at the Square Peg Blog: # Powered by Twitter Tools
These conversations happen in the pub, in the bleachers of our kids soccer games, and just about everwhere. We’re all having public conversations all the time, where the only privacy is that of proximity – you really don’t know who that is sitting at the next table, and usually you really don’t care. Now many of those conversations have moved to Twitter, or Facebook, or your blog. Some of those are open conversations that are easily found, searched, and aggregated and some aren’t.