Darius Dunlap

Darius Dunlap


My own book research has me reading even more than usual. Last week I received a new book that I had pre-ordered, Whiplash: How to Survive OurFaster Future, by Joi Ito and Jeff Howe. I set aside the several books I’m currently reading and finished this new one in just a few days. For people…

Hour of Code

Computers are not magical or mysterious. Their amazing abilities are built up from simple ideas. That’s what’s surprising. How did we arrive at today, with these devices in our pocket and a (nearly) global network connecting them, and with software running that allows it all to do so many useful and entertaining things? Lady Ada,…

Advice on Computer and Software Upgrades

Keeping your computer software up-to-date is important for security, and also gets you the latest great features. Computer hardware is better than ever, which also means that a computer stays useful longer than ever and is more reliable because of better chassis, connectors and electronics, and fewer moving parts. Software Whether you are using macOS…

Email Apps

I’ve been using email for over 35 years (no typo) and I’m still surprised by the clever new ideas I see in the best email apps. Email apps can add an email to a reading list, or turn it into an item in your to-do list, or add an event to your calendar. Many have features…

30 Years

June 20th, 1986 I started a new adventure at a new job and in a place that would become home. Since then, I’ve had an amazing career, traveled the world, married my best friend, and with her founded a non-profit that’s changing lives. I’ve thought a bit about this journey, but I’m not sure what…

A New Beginning…

I’ve occasionally thought about grabbing this domain, dariusdunlap.com, for some time. As I was getting some new things setup on my various blogs, I realized that now was the time. More will appear here over the coming days, including some of the archives from my old consulting business website and other stuff. I’m working to…

Feed That Wolf

The One You Feed is a show I often listen to on my hikes or while doing chores around the house.  It starts with the parable of the two wolves. You know the one. They have great guests and it’s always an interesting conversation. The guest this week is our friend Kristin Neff, who my wife and I met…