Category: <span>Media</span>

Category: Media

Just How Big Was It?

Some figures… CBS News commissioned the same group to analyze the crowd size at the Stewart-Colbert rally it used to estimate the crowd at Glenn Beck’s August rally. The CBS numbers: Beck drew 87,000 people to his rally, Stewart and Colbert drew 215,000. Excerpt from: Just How Big Was The Stewart-Colbert Rally? | TPMDC Plus…

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-23

Excellent burrito, as always! (@ taqueria de amigos) # @secretsushi Thanks. It's never easy when we lose one of these wonderful animals, but my wife, Joell, does a wonderful job. in reply to secretsushi # ridiculous tax breaks for the richest 120,000… – note the comparison to keeping teachers & police at work.…