Quickly send directions to your Tesla

Quickly send directions to your Tesla

I frequently look up things on my iPhone or iPad. If I then decide to drive there, it’s easiest to send the location to the Tesla for the in-car navigation instead of looking it up all over again when I get in the car.

It’s done, simply:

From the location in Apple Maps, touch the “Share” icon

Lookup the Location, and select “Share”

Select the Tesla app to share with your in-car navigation…

select the Tesla app to share with your car

You will get a brief “Sending” status while the destination is sent to the Tesla app, and then on to the car…

Brief “Sending” status while the destination is sent to the car

And then a status indicating that the destination was successfully sent to the car!

Destination successfully Sent

it’s a little thing, but quite nice.

Now if Tesla could just do better support for music libraries, and Apple CarPlay, and …

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